Who can use this feature: Anyone on pro plan or above. plan.


Sessions in Helicone provide a powerful way to organize and analyze complex interactions within your LLM applications. By grouping related requests together, sessions offer a holistic view of user journeys, multi-step processes, or extended AI workflows. This feature is particularly valuable for applications that involve multiple back-and-forth exchanges or those that build upon previous context.

Example: A Session creating an outline for a book about space

Why Sessions

Sessions, identified by a helicone-session-id header, allow you to:

  • Reconstruct the flow of a conversation or a multi-stage task
  • Analyze performance and outcomes across entire interaction sequences
  • Identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement in your AI workflows
  • Gain deeper insights into user behavior and application patterns

Quick Start

Simply add a Helicone-Session-Id header to your request to start tracking your sessions and traces.

To represent parent and child traces we take advantange of a simple path syntax in the Helicone-Session-Path header. For example, if you have a parent trace parent and a child trace child, you can represent this as /parent/child.

Depending on your library you will need to add the following three headers to your request:

  • Helicone-Session-Id - The session id you want to track
  • Helicone-Session-Path - The path of the session
  • Helicone-Session-Name - The name of the session

Here is an example is ts: see other languages

const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
  baseURL: "https://oai.helicone.ai/v1",
  defaultHeaders: {
    "Helicone-Auth": `Bearer ${process.env.HELICONE_API_KEY}`,

const session = randomUUID();

    messages: [
        role: "user",
        content: "Generate an abstract for a course on space.",
    model: "gpt-4",
    headers: {
      "Helicone-Session-Id": session,
      "Helicone-Session-Path": "/abstract",
      "Helicone-Session-Name": "Course Plan",

Node JS Example

Javascript Session example shown above