Many organizations operate across multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production. To differentiate these environments, you can establish a Helicone-Property-Environment property. In the example below, we assign the “development” property to the environment:
    # ...
        "Helicone-Property-Environment": "development",

If you are utilizing any other libraries or packages, please refer to our Custom Properties documentation for guidance.

Viewing Environments

On the request page, you can conveniently view all the environments that your organization has employed.

View environments tracked by Helicone on the Requests page.

Additionally, you can filter by environment to view all the requests made within that specific environment.

Filter requests by specific environments on the Requests page.

Efficiently add filters to your requests to view all the requests made in a particular environment.

Add filters to specify environment within Helicone.

Helicone also offers a dedicated page to view all the environments that your organization has utilized. You can also view the number of requests made in each environment.

Visit the properties page to view all the environments that your organization has employed.

View cost, usage and latency associated with a custom property on the Properties page.