Feature Highlight

  • Create as many prompt versions as you like, without impacting production data.
  • Evaluate the outputs of your new prompt (and have data to back you up 📈).
  • Save cost by testing on specific datasets and making fewer calls to providers like OpenAI. 🤑

Running your first prompt experiment

To start an experiment, first, go to the Prompts tab and select a prompt.


Click `Start Experiment`

On the top right, click Start Experiment.

Start button in the Prompts tab for initiating an experiment in Helicone.

Select the base prompt

Select a base prompt and click Continue. You can edit the prompt in the next step.

To run an experiment on the production prompt, look for the production tag.

Selecting a base prompt to start an experiment in Helicone.

Edit the prompt

Your changes will not affect the original prompt, but rather create a new one to test your experiment on.

Editing a prompt without affecting the original prompt in production.

Configure your experiment

Select the dataset, model and provider keys.

To run your experiment on a random dataset, click Generate random dataset. We will pick up to 10 random data from your existing requests.

Configuring an experiment with a different dataset, model, and provider keys in Helicone.

Confirm and run

The Diff Viewer compares your new prompt to the base prompt that you selected.

Confirming changes to your prompt in Helicone's Diff Viewer before running an experiment.

View outputs

Once the experiment is finished, click on it to see a list of inputs and the associated outputs from the base prompt and the experiment.

Comparing the outputs of an experiment compared to the original prompt in Helicone.