
To use the Helicone AI GraphQL API, make sure that you have the gql and aiohttp libraries installed in your Python environment. You can install these packages with the following commands:

pip install gql
pip install aiohttp

Setting up a GraphQL Client

Here’s how to setup a GraphQL client to communicate with the Helicone API:

from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
from gql import gql, Client

url = ""

# Replace <KEY> with your personal access key
transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=url, headers={
    "Authorization": "Bearer sk-<KEY>"

client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)

In this code:

  • url is the endpoint of the Helicone AI GraphQL API.
  • AIOHTTPTransport establishes the connection to the API endpoint.
  • Client is a GraphQL client that communicates with the API using the provided transport.

Fetching Data from the API

Here’s how to fetch data from the Helicone AI API using GraphQL:

SIZE = 100
for i in range(MAX_LOOPS):
    query = gql(
        query getData($limit: Int, $offset: Int) {
                limit: $limit
                offset: $offset
                filters: []
            ) {
    result = client.execute(query,
                                "limit": SIZE,
                                "offset": i * SIZE
    if (len(result["heliconeRequest"]) == 0):
        print("No more results")

In this code:

  • MAX_LOOPS is the maximum number of requests the client will make to the API.
  • SIZE is the number of records fetched per request.
  • gql parses the GraphQL query.
  • client.execute runs the query and returns the result. The variable_values parameter is used to set the limit and offset in the GraphQL query.

The response contains a list of heliconeRequest objects. Each object includes the prompt, a list of properties with their name, the responseBody, and the response.

The loop continues to fetch data until there are no more records (when result["heliconeRequest"] is an empty list), at which point it prints “No more results” and stops.